Posts Tagged ‘Bullion Coins’


Top 5 Silver Bullion Coins for Malaysia

Silver Bullion CoinsWhen it comes to precious metal investment in coins format, it is recommended that we invest in bullion coins. Bullion coin is a coin struck from gold, silver, platinum or palladium. Generally, investment grade bullion coins have purity of not less than 0.9 fineness. For silver, it is recommended to buy fineness with triple 9 (0.999) or more.

Although bullion coins usually have legal tender in their country of origin, its legal tender value are ignorable as it is valued lower than the actual metal price. For instance, 1 oz of American Eagle silver has a legal tender of USD$ 1 value. Would you like to trade it with my RM3.00?

There are plenty of different bullion coins in the market. In this post, we will discuss the top five favourites for Malaysia.

Top five silver bullion coins for Malaysia are:


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